News and useful information for farmers: how to sell your maize

Maize is a tropical herbaceous plant belonging to the Poaceae family. It grows all year round. Mexicans were the first farmers of these grains until their cultivation became widespread throughout the world. Currently, the sale of maize depends on market demand, but also on price fluctuations. Thus, marketing techniques and strategies must be undertaken. How to do this?

Difficulties related to the sale of maize

According to the FAO report, the 2020 maize harvest will be slightly lowered. Compared to 2018-2019, trade will decrease by 161 million tonnes on the world market in 2019-2020. The lack of technicality of producers is said to be one of the causes of the low marketing of these grains. The grain market can be very competitive in a country. Indeed, there is competition between local production and imported grains. A gap between national and international supply and demand is an obstacle to sales. Thus, farmers must lower or increase their selling price according to the price of maize. Selling corn refers to conducting a thorough market research. Among other things, analyze, measure and understand the functioning of supply and demand in relation to various market conditions. Some sites offer offers to find out about the price of maize online.

Measures to be taken for an effective sale of maize

Corn is used for many purposes. Designed as a basic meal in some countries, it is also used to feed animals. In this respect, the quality of the maize placed in storage at producers' premises may be questionable. In other words, corn grain could be altered by the presence of plant debris, stones, weevils or moisture. The quality of corn is one of the bestselling conditions. Thus, techniques must be undertaken for a better harvest. This requires considering post-harvest operations. Indeed, it is about drying, pre-drying, hulling and wringing grain corn. The issue of exploiting these grains depends on cost estimates and not on yield. Indeed, the price of corn varies on the market. In addition, this amount tends to increase over time. For an effective sale of his crop, the farmer must be informed of the market trend and look for local partners. Transform this raw product into a processed product in the case where the import of the grain has the upper hand over the premises.

Corn sales technique

Techniques and tips exist for marketing maize. On the one hand, it is necessary to identify the constraints to exploitation. This principle consists in balancing the possible sales and the estimate of the minimum production. In this respect, it is necessary to consider the volume of grain to be sold, the quality harvested, logistics and above all financial needs. On the other hand, the sales strategy consists in taking into account market uncertainty. In other words, to monitor the evolution of production and export levels of the world's major producers and exporters. In addition, a good marketing method should be adopted. In this respect, it is preferable to fragment sales. This principle makes it possible to reduce risks, but also to optimize trade. The approach is to split the corn market by slowing or accelerating the price relative to the cost of production. On the other hand, it is also clever to accept the risks and act without hesitation. Therefore, it is advisable to take advantage of the best times to sell.
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