Energy in all its forms requires careful management by the consumer and the achievement of energy savings within a home is the result of a cascade of actions of small and large scale. The operation is relevant from the point of view of individuals, as it helps to increase the value of the property while significantly reducing energy consumption. Whether it is a question of major renovation work or small daily actions, it is important to plan which actions are to be prioritized according to the current issues.

Opt for better heating equipment

The heating system is generally the final stage of an energy renovation, it is based on an operating mode governed by the capacity of insulation, ventilation and the layout of the space. High-performance appliances such as condensing boilers are preferred for those that use fossil fuels. It should be noted, however, that the choice regarding the nature of the energy can influence all installations, renewable energy devices such as AB Services' photovoltaic panels deliver constant and continuous performance but must be coupled with models of soft-heat radiators. Visit related websites for more information.

The essentials: insulation and ventilation

Thermal insulation is mandatory for efficient energy renovation reducing consumption by up to 60%, a home with optimal insulation is the guarantee of an economical home. The thermal audit established before the work is carried out will then inform the private individual about the station to be reinforced (window, wall, roof, etc.), but it should be noted that the improvement of an external insulation remains the recommended renovation, adding that the same type of insulation may not be applicable according to the location of the house. Similarly, the interior layout must also be adjusted to provide optimal comfort. To prevent the thermal effect of too intrusive insulation, air renewal must combine insulation work with ventilation work.

The renovation work

The most important remark to consider when renovating an energy system is that each site is unique and requires a housing expertise in order to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. The Agence de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME) nevertheless stipulates that the diagnosis established provides useful information, but is by no means sufficient to move towards a major renovation. Indeed, the renovation work must follow a logic characterized by the structural work first, then the second work, and finally the finishing touches. Cost-effective economic works take into account these different phases to enable individuals to invest in the right aspects of renovation. In this case, private individuals are required to estimate in advance the energy state of the house, coupled with specialist intervention, in order to carry out a precise audit. The services of an architect may be required to rethink the organization of space and will also be substantial to save time and money. For example, when installing a heat pump or solar thermal panel, the professional will be able to determine whether the operation is efficient and profitable in the long term.